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Elementary School
SD Binsus

2006 - 2008

this is one of pretigious Elementary School in Dumai - Riau, fun fact in this Elementary School is one of the teacher there is my auntie, so if i doing some undisplined thing, my auntie directly tell that to my mom "the thing" that i do in the school. I am not finished my Elementary School in this school, because my father job required to relocate our place.

SD 005 Bukit Jin

2008 - 2009

from name of this Elementary School we know this school is public school, and little bit scary because of the name "jin" in that school name, but actually the school is not scary as i know, this scool location is in the same town, but in this school im not finished my Elementary School yet again, because of my father work required us to move to another location.

SD Pandau Jaya

2009 - 2012

this is my last Elementary School in my life and this is public school, this Elementary School location is in Pekanbaru - Riau, which is capital of Riau Province, i love lived here because of quite place, i love quietness, basically i am a introvert person that loves quietness. after i graduate from this Elementary School my family have a plan to put me in the Boarding School.













Junior High School
SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru

​2012 - 2015


here we are, im continue my Junior High School education in boarding school, in here we should shalat 5 times a day and doing what good muslim should do, we call this institute Green Jail, because you allowed back to home once a month, why Green ?, Because the logo of my institute is coloring with color green, this is the most experienced moment in my life, because i go trought a lot of thing in Junior High School.

Senior High School
SMK Nurussalam Riau

​2015 - 2018

this is Vocation High School, in here your will hone your section of your skills to facilitate you in work world, for example operate the computer, welding, and learn about vehicles. Fun facts about this school is my father is the founder of this foundation, the foundation name is Foundation of Haji Abdul Hamid Riau, its basically Boarding High School that provide Junior High School and Vocational High School.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

​2018 - Present

in this university my faculty is FTSM (Fakulti Teknologi Sains Maklumat) i take Computer Science as my Course and i am second in-take Student, i got a problem when handle Student VISA in Pekanbaru. i hope i got satisfy CGPA when i graduate from this University.

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